In Loving Memory of

Travis Anwar Wilson

16th November 1981
29th June 2024


1981 was an interesting year across the globe, and locally here at home.A lover of music and an avid truck driver was born to Cheryl and Perry Wilson onNovember 16th 1981 on the island of New Providence. Indeed theKnowles and Wilson families welcomed a bouncing baby boy. They named him TravisAnwar Wilson. Not wanting the vicissitudes of life to overtake the godlytraining and upbringing that was extended to his other siblings, Travis’grandparents Vernon (deceased) and Eureka Knowles took over the rearing oftheir grandson and welcomed him to San Salvador.  


Travis excelled in school and completed his educational journey fromCockburn Town Primary School to San Salvador Central High School. He served inhigh school as a student leader in the capacity of prefect. There he obtainedmany certificates and trophies. Travis would follow his grandfather Vernon whowas a builder, and as a result he learned the names and function of every toolhis granddaddy possessed.


Travis was the extraordinaire worker, the jack of all trades, the onewho was always willing to help with work, the one who followed his granddaddyaround with the tools. Travis was so good at his craft of rebuilding, repairingand restoring things that he repaired everything in his path. If Traviscouldn’t fix it, then it just wasn’t fixed! So when an elderly lady in thecommunity called him Cheryl’s last baby boy, his response was, “I ain’t no babyboy, I is a working man!” After graduating from high school, Travis wasemployed with Mr. Charles Jones and later with Zippies and Mr. Raymond Jones. Becausebuilding was not his cup of tea, Travis chose to restore items, and later heavytruck driving, which left many onlookers in awe, pondering how a man his sizewas so capable of maneuvering such large truck heads.


Although Travis had some challenges in life he was always the mannerly,respectful, honest, willing and hardworking one. He still responded with a “yesma’am”, “no ma’am” or “yes sir”, “no sir”. He never took a dime or anythingfrom a person unless permission was granted to him. As a matter of fact, healways said, “Da ain’t mine, I ain’t touching it”. His grandmother whom hecalled ‘mommy’ often said that Travis never answered back even if he was notthe offending person. And whatever Aunt Charmaine asked him to do; he did itand brought back the correct change. Many nights Travis would be in theKnowles’ kitchen cooking up steak and Kraft dinner. He really enjoyed eating steak,and what an enjoyable dinner it was, topped off with his favourite dessert - ice-cream!A few years ago, while Travis’ aunt was visiting San Salvador, she questioned himabout his relationship with the Lord. Travis responded, “Aunty, I already askedJesus into my life, but I keep falling back.” His aunt responded to him with 1John 1:9, and encouraged him to do so. Tears just streamed down his face, andthat Sunday, Travis was in Church.


Travis was near and dear to his family and friends who loved him immensely.Travis experienced the best of life in the Knowles’ home. There, he was presentedwith a personal chef, laundry personnel, maid and shopper in the person of auntCharmaine, and other family members provided whatever as he needed. Travisbelieved in sharing, and he would give his last which included shirts and hats toanyone. His grandparents’ home was his safe haven, but on school breaks andholidays he would enjoy many visits with his mom in Nassau. Travis wasespecially close to his cousins, nieces and nephew. He loved the familygatherings in San Salvador and New Providence, and enjoyed music and going tothe movies. Oftentimes as he hung out with his uncles and brother the sound oflaughter rang out heartily in the atmosphere as they reminisced about the ‘goodole days’.


On Wednesday, June 26th 2024 a beautiful sunny day, Traviswas admitted to the local clinic in San Salvador complaining of health issues.On the recommendation of the doctor, he was air-lifted to Nassau via AirAmbulance. His faithful uncle Trevor was there to escort him to hospital wherehe was admitted. God knew before the foundation of the world that Travis wouldno longer suffer the cares, sorrows, sadness, heartbreaks, rejection, and painsof this world and at 2:18 am, on Saturday, June 29th 2024 Travisdeparted this world.

Restin peace our son, grandson, brother, uncle, cousin and friend.

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts untowisdom.” –Psalm 90:12

He ispredeceased by:

Grandfathers: Vernon C. Knowles andCaptain Calvin Wilson

Grandmother: Leotha Newton

Step-grandmother: Deloris Wilson

Brother: Garvin Jones

Precious andfondest memories will forever linger in the hearts of his:

DearestMother: Mrs.Cheryl Knowles-Mackey

Stepfather: Elder Nathaniel Mackey Jr.

Father: Mr. Perry Wilson

Stepmother: Mrs. Brenda Wilson

Sisters: Sherene Johnson (Marvin), RNNakishna Curtis (Torriano), WD/Sgt. 3480 Lashonda Charlton (Brenton Jr.) and NathalieStubbs (Damien Sr.).

Brother: Livant Wilson

DevotedGrandmother and ‘Mommy’: Mrs. Eureka Knowles

Aunts: Charmaine, Dale, and ValenciaKnowles, Astrid Jones, Cecile Knowles-Argenti, Shereen Gaitor, Kaye and GloriaWilson, Eloise, Marcia, Karen, Harvetia, Sherita, Shantell and Shanell Knowles,Zilpha Evans, Bloneva Smith, Pastor Claudell Farrington, Sheena and Shantell Mackey

Uncles: Michael, Kenderick, Darelle,Van, Deargo, Trevor, Dave, Gerald and Superintendent of Police Adrian Knowles,Dennis and Bruce Kemp, John Outten, George Gaitor, Rodolfo Argenti, Ezra,Jeffery, Apostle Keith and Ashley Mackey, Murray Evans, Vernal Smith, ClaudeFarrington Sr.

Nieces: Makaia and Jaida Johnson,Livandra Wilson, Kiarjae Hepburn, Nia Curtis, Bailee and Bree Charlton, Diamondand Trinity Stubbs

Nephews: Blair Charlton, NoahCurtis, Damien Jr. and Dominic Stubbs

Grand-aunts: Patricia and LaVernHamilton of Jacksonville, FL.

Grand-uncle: Charles Hamilton ofJacksonville, FL.

Cousins: Paris, Vernon, Kendra,Kenya, Kristoff, Shaquille, Mason, Kyle, K’Vann, Adrian, Osmana, Eldon, Cordero,Arianna, Adron, Deadra, Deavion, Dave Jr, Shania, W/M Trevonya, RN Ashley andRN Adria Knowles, Adale Albury, Shervin McKinney, Quinetta Hayes, Lavando Storr,Sabia Clarke, Raven Stuart, Asari and Shantieka Jones, Kenyon Osborne, KianoCarey, Mikhail Rolle, Leiliann Wilson, Natasha, Fabian and Justice Pratt Jr., Lei’kayaCurtis, Shantieker, Sheneska, Sheniqua, Shantia Ettienne, Gabriel, Sherane andStarlia Gaitor, Adaria and Adale  AlburyJr. Hayden Williams, Klayson Rahming, Ameir, Jeremiah, Michael, Nehemiah andCordero Knowles Jr., Livaria, Aleah and Lavae Storr, Senior Commander Omarv andChief Petty Officer Yohence Saunders, RN Agnes Deveaux, Brielle Wallace, JavinMiller  and Jasmine Bethel.

Godmother: Karen Fernander

Special Friends: Lajuanda Laing, KeveraMoncur, Javie Rahming, Dencil Burrows Sr., Raymond Jones Sr., Charles and SoniaJones, Nadege Russell, Lashan Black, LaTarrio Williams, Luden Gibson Jr.Wilfred Edgecombe, Tanovia Higgs, Cleonardo Storr, Kim Farrah, Julian Ferguson,Samantha Burrows, Tyrone, Jerry & Dudley Pratt, Deno, Latheria and KentonKing, Kino Cox, Kevin Black, Peter Butler, Dwight Johnson, Marlene Nairn-Smith,Chavez Black, Wellington ‘Boy’ Taylor and Dr. Colton Jones.

Otherrelatives and friends: Philip Sands & Family, Pastor Ivy Butler & Family,Pastor Johnathan Knowles & Family, Pastor Mark Ferguson & Family, MatthewHunt & Family, Alesha Storr, Deborah Fernander & Family, Arelyn Calhoun& Family, Brenda Hart & Family, Pamela Storr & Family, Nola Deveaux& Family, Maudline Pinder & Family, Clifford Fernander & Family,Faith Jones & Family, Lawrence Hepburn, Iris, Bruno, Floyd and Patrice Fernander,Iva Williams & Family, Olive Smith, Winston and Nurse Bonaby & Family, Saraleeand Bishop Godfrey Williams & Family, Laverne Cooper, Min. Peter Douglas, Dorothy,Brenelle, Alton and Quincy Poitier, Keva Edgecombe, Sonia Delaney, Ruby &Bridgette Jones & Family, Chelera Walker, Diane Nairn, Theresa Williams, KevinWilliams & Family, Carrimae Hunt & Family, Paul Turnquest & Family,The Knowles, Hamilton, Fernander, Benson and Jones Families, Pastor Gary Hanna& Family, Pastor Stephen Brown & Family, Thaddeus Anderson &Family, Paula Jones & Family, Cindy Davis & Family, Jacquelyn Moxey, Allison,Mary, Denise, Kenderia and Paulette Jones & Family, Marzelle Francis &Family, Maddie Strachan & Family, Henrietta Cash & Family, AshleyPinder & Family, Charlynda Cartwright, Tonya Charlton, Crashante Cummings, CharlesMiller & Family, Brittany and Darren, Aldra Russell, Wendy Storr & Family, Pastor Nathaniel Walker & Family,Lester Williams Sr. & Family, Terrance Storr & Family, Max Ferguson& Family, Commissioner of Police Clayton Fernander & Family, Sgt. Javisand Nurse Linda Jones, Lorna Bowe, Sherry Johnson, Ingrid Williams, Ricky, Dedrieand Stanford Storr, Lisa and Gregory Louis, Angela Farrington & Family,Angela Hinsey & Family, Michelle Williams, Tonya Fernander, Audrey Dean, AntoinetteFernander, Shannon Knowles, Pastor Leo Jones & Family, Pastor Agnes Jones& Family Administrator Frances Barr & Family, The Zippies and “mailboat”Crew, The Class of 1999, The entire San Salvador Community, Dr. Tenishka Storr-Knowles,Dr. Sheryl Lagonilla, Nurses Bridgette Evans, Carlotta Hamilton-Rolle, Denise McRae,and Esterlee  Thompson, Deacon GregoryTaylor and Numerous other relatives andfriends.

To those whosenames we may have been inadvertently left off, we humbly apologize.

Service Date
Saturday 13th July 2024
Holy Saviour Catholic Church, Cockburn Town, San Salvador
Service Location
Popular Choice
10:30 a.m.
Service Start
Interment Service
Cockburn Town Public Cemetery, Cockburn Town, San Salvador
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