In Loving Memory of

Rose Marie Evans

3rd December 1940
27th May 2024

On December 3rd, 1940in the quaint and tranquil settlement of Millers Hill North Andros a beautifulbouncing baby girl was born to the late Herbert and Florence Walkes nee Pratt.She was the second child of ten and was christened Rose Marie.  

She received her early educationat the All-age School, as education on the island was very limited in thosedays.

Rose Marie accepted the Lord asher personal Savior at the age of nineteen. She truly loved the Lord, and was afaithful member of the Church of God of Prophecy in Conch Sound North Andros.She was a beautiful person inside and out. She enjoyed cooking and gaveunselfishly to anyone in need. She also enjoyed fishing.  

In 1955, Rose Marie was joined inholy matrimony to Frank Brown also of North Andros. This union produced fivesons. In 1974 tragedy struck. Her husband Frank died leaving her to provide andcare for their young boys. Two of whom predeceased her, Eddie and Irvin Brown.

She was a Proverbs 31 woman, “Shegirdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms” v. 17 KJV. Shewent to work to provide for her children. She worked at The San Andros Hotelwhere she was an outstanding employee. With her strong belief in God and His Word,she respectfully told the manager that she would not take the job if it meantthat she would have to serve alcoholic beverages. He told her that was fine andhired her to work in the housekeeping department. Life was not always easy forher, but her faith and trust were rooted and firmly grounded in the God of hersalvation. She was diligent, compassionate and caring.  After leaving the hotel, she was blessed withanother job opportunity, this time in Detroit Michigan, USA. She worked for theGettles from 1978 to 1979, one full year. One night in a dream, she saw herbeloved son Nigel weeping and crying pitifully, this was enough to cause her toresign and return home to her children.

After returning home, she wasgainfully employed by The Ministry of Agriculture in the Packing House in 1980,and retired in 2006. It was there that she caught the eye of her secondhusband, another man named “Frank”. On July 9th, 1981 Rose Marie andFranklyn Evans were joined in holy matrimony. They were married for 40 yearsuntil his demise in December 2021.

After the death of her secondhusband, she remained in New Providence where she lived with her son Nigel andhis wife Thelma. She lacked nothing and was properly cared for by her children.She would spend time in Bimini with both Eslie and Joey. She didn’t have tolift a pin when she was with them, all they wanted her to do was rest, relaxand enjoy herself, and of course, they had to take her fishing.  She would often boast about her well herchildren took care of her.

She attended United Faith MinistriesInternational under the leadership of Apostle Phalmon Ferguson.  She was a prayer warrior and had a powerfultelephone ministry as she was no longer able to get around.  Sometimes, Nigel would jokingly say to her“Mommy you have to give people a chance to call you”, but of course that didn’tstop her from doing her ministry. She would call her sisters and brothers,nieces and nephews, friends, former colleagues and cousins not to gossip, butto encourage and pray for them. One of her favorite lines she would say at theend of the conversation was “You are in my every prayer”.

In 2022, her health began failing, having hadseveral strokes, then being diagnosed with cancer.

She wasadmitted to hospital on Wednesday 22nd May as her conditioncontinued to decline. The following Sunday she was visited by her Apostle,family members and other church members. Even though she was heavily sedated,when Apostle said that “Mother Marie was ready to go home”, she raised herright had high in the air in agreement and acknowledgement of our presencesurprising everyone there.  

On Monday morning May 27th, 2024 at10:12 am, she exchanged time for eternity, took her last breath and went hometo be with the Lord.

May her soul rest in peace and rise in glory!

She was predeceased by her sister Mary Rolle andbrothers Herbert and Creswell Walkes.

Leftto celebrate her life and cherished memories are her dutiful and devoted sons:James Eslie Brown, Nigel and Joseph Brown, adopted son: ClaytonSaulie Dean.

StepChildren: Leroy Evans and Kenya (Bricely) Coquemar

·        Two Daughters- in- law: Thelmaand Charlotte Brown. Grand Children: Delareese Karalette Peter -Flax(Lester Flax), James Eslie Brown Jr., Gabriel Albert Brown, Nigel Jr. Shaquilleand Shenique, Orlando (Janet Brown) Charlton, Ricardo, Ralecia, T’Nya andLeanaja.

GreatGrandchildren- Rebecca D.C. Hall, O’ryan M.E. Hart, Tyrea R.S.Hart, Ariel I.L. Lamont, Leyssun D.D. Flax, III, Jamia Emily Brown, AriaElizabeth Ann Brown, Nova Winter Brown, and Myla Brown.

GreatGreat Grandchildren-Octuro Howell III, Esther Marie Iani Hart

Sisters:Beulahmae Fowler, Elder Iris Walkes Dean, Pastor Jennifer Roberts, Sandra andJune Walkes. Brothers: Floyd, Alexander and Roscoe Walkes.

Sisters-in- law: Deloris, Linda, Dorothy and Barbara Walkes, Brothers- in-law: Pastor Audley Fowler, Charles Rolle, Arlington and Edward Evans. Nieces: Andrea Dean Bouchard, Deborah Finley, Mary Fowler Brown, Rachel and AvaFowler, Charlesa Rolle, Marie Rolle Bowleg, Deandra Walkes, Kenita Mackey, Florence and CynteishWalkes, Beulah Lang, Joan Pratt, Natasha Evans, Christine, Shamini, Indera,Floydia, and Duranda Walkes, Sansirae Miller Kristen Walkes, Samantha, KizmetWalkes-Smith, Andrea Walkes- Ewan, and Shannon Walkes.

Nephews: Philip,Timothy, Stephen, Mark, and Matthew Fowler, Ricardo Walkes, Julian, Kevin,Cotney, Geno, Jeffrey and Jeremy Rolle, Herbert and Andrew Dean Jr. Tiki, Kiki,Rusty, Reo, Daren, Shawn, Prescott and Creswell Walkes Jr., Creflo Walkes, ChristopherRolle and family, Chesley Finley, Kristoph Finley and family, and ChesmondFinley and family, God child: Mary Fowler Brown.

Cousins: PastorAlma Russell and family, Pastor Dr. Nathaniel and Jenna Pratt and family, Dr.William and Bernadette Pratt and Family, Albertha Davis and family and MablePratt and family. Deacon Kervin and Minister Ellavese Godfrey and family,  

EraAdams and family, Esther Pratt, Florence Pratt- Meyer and Family, JessicaMcKinney and family, Ezra Pratt and family, Glenroy Pratt, Minister Benjaminand Monique Pratt and family, Rolance Manny Pratt and family, Samuel, GeorgePratt and family, Ernest Pratt and family. Ruth Brown and family and GarnetGriffin and family.

Otherrelatives and friends including: Renadel Marshall and family,Patricia, Hilda, Val Burrows, Bernadette Bowleg, Nurse Andrea Smith, Nigel& Tetrae Lafleur, Island Luck Security Dept, Sis. Iva Roberts & Family,Apostle Shirley Evans, Apostle Phalmon and Elder Sophia Ferguson and UnitedFaith Ministries International family, Church of God of Prophecy Conch Sound,Pastor Daniel Nottage and Fellowship Baptist Church family Pinewood Gardens,Rapheleta Pickstock and family, George and Bernice Wells, Dr. Raymond(Dellarese) and family, Kenrick, Kimblee Wells (Mateo), Georgette Wells-McKenzie, Tiana Wells, Muriel Moxey, Sherisse and Vernice Bain, GeneviveNesbitt, Rosilee (Rahkai)  Williams, DaleRahming, Monique Walkes, Dionne Pratt, Shenique Henfield- Greenslade, SharmineRahming, Tameko Gaitor, Samia and Malaysia Heintz, The Roberts Family SandyPoint Abaco, Jimmy Bowleg and family, Antoinette Brown, Princess Bain andfamily (Freeport), Mr. Treco (Bimini), Maxine Maycock and family. Pastor Leoand Sonya Charles and family, Mildred Miller and family, Mary Marshall andfamily, Grace Strachan and family, The Mackey Family, The Lafleur and Miller Families,The entire community of Conch Sound North Andros, Dr. Halladay and OncologyDept, Nurses and Doctors of Medical Surgical Ward East PMH and a host of otherrelatives and friends.


Service Date
Saturday 15th June 2024
United Faith Ministries International, Fire Trail Road
Service Location
Popular Choice
10:00 a.m.
Service Start
Interment Service
Woodlawn Gardens, Soldier Road
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