Thegarden of Herman and Dorothy McKay blossomed once more and culminated with thebirth of their fifth daughter and last child Kimberley Dionne McKay on April 13th,1969. Kim’s birth brought nothing but joy with the ringing of cowbells andsmack of goatskin drums to the Mason’s Addition community.
Aconfident and responsible child who grew into a mouthpiece, Kim had no issuesspeaking her mind. Sometimes relentlessly, always ensuring her voice was heard.
Kimwas independent, strong-willed, and determined. A known face in her South Beachcommunity as she walked everywhere and spoke to everyone on her way to the BusStop. Despite never learning how to drive, a Saturday or month end never metKim in the house as she was sure to be on Bay Street with any of her nieces andmost recently, in McDonald's with Drey-ah or any utility company line to payall her bills. Every bus driver on the 21A route knew her and her routine; astop the Hospital for Hot fresh bread, Debbie’s Takeaway on Vessey St for a veryspecific conch snack order and Phoenix Food Store for her case of Coke Soda.
Kimwas always given the responsibility to take care of ALL the nieces and nephewsin the summer and any school breaks. The house in South Beach ran like amilitary ship. Everyone bathed and dressed to sell the trinkets Mama Dorbrought back from her Miami Flea Market trips by 10 am, Lunch at 1 pm andplaytime and cleanup till 4 and everyone cleaned and dressed ready for pickupwhen Sisters came. She could frequentlybe seen walking the neighborhood, down to the South Beach Pools or the trackroads to the bus stop with her Army of nieces and nephews close behind.
Kimhas an endless love for children, birthdays, and family. She was the McKayfamily calendar and phonebook; everyone got a call and a song for theirbirthday. Her entire adult working career involved children, from the formerSt. Agnes Preschool and Nursery to her last employment at Carlton E. FrancisPrimary. Every year she picked up a new child, with whom she always sharedstories and brought treats for. Kim latest love, Kylah bonded so strong sheoften referred to her as “Mum”. She was at her happiest and her best whensurrounded by children. She was stern but loving soul.
Nosummer was complete without her famous stockpile trip, with her sister Sherry,to walk the blocks of 103rd and 20th Street, in Miami andher nights in Holiday Inn Express. She was never to be convinced to go anyfurther than that. As there was no more to the United States, she was everinterested in going.
Kimloved the Lord, and she loved her church and worshiped at St. Agnes AnglicanChurch her entire life. In the early morning, on the 28th of July 2023following a brief illness surrounded by her loved ones Kim gained her wings, tobe with her Almighty Father.
Shewas predeceased by her father Herman “Cap” McKay, her brothers Norman Bryan andfraternal twin Timothy.
Leftto cherish her precious memories are her Mother: Dorothy McKay; Adopted Daughters: Raven Riche Williams (niece) and Drey-ah DiorrCampbell (niece); Sisters: Debbie (Oswald) Mckay-Seymour, Sherry McKay,Theresa (Godfrey) McKay-Sherman, Denise McKay-Gordon, Judy Johnson, BrendaMcKay, Karen McKay-Wring, Sharan McKay and Bridgette McKay; Brothers: Herman Frederick “Freddie”, LloydGregory, Keith Rasheed, Bennett Donovan ‘Don’, Dave, Marciano, Gerard, KeithHerman, and Kevin Randolph McKay; Niecesand Nephews: Lashonda Pennerman-Leary, Angelique Fredricka McKay, Eurika ShamaneWilkinson Coccia, Quentin Marco Wilkinson, Fredreonn McKay Sr., ShakeithaMcKay-Dean (Gavin), CraVaughan McKay (Robin), Clunise, Dario and CrispinJohnson, Godfrey, Glenise and Godwind Sherman, Junise Edilall (Keiran), JunickaCulmer (Najai), Dr. JaVaughn Gray of New York, Keith Jerome and Frisco TerranceHerman McKay, Brynae McKay, Lynette Bowleg, Lloyd Gregory “Buck”, Gregory“Dude”, Latrell, Edward ‘Buck’ Marshall, Sacha, Amanda, Britney, Marcia,Marvin, Marvell, Margo, Gerard, Claudell, Jermaine, Tekoya, Agita Johnson,Natasha Bennett, Dave Jr., Sheniqua McKay, Eve, Addai, Nadal, Denzel, Danielle,Tanaj McKay; Latravia and Chaviss; Tara; Ashley Knowles; Grand nieces and nephews: Bryshon, Doswell ‘Dossy’, Quentinique’Marcy’,Tillia, Malique, Tilshon, Tahj, Kyle, Kai, Kemren, Kaylen, Khalaya, ZhyenAmari, Ghalen, Gemai, Sanay, Germari, Zyon, Freddria, Fredreonn Jr., Jordyn,Reagan, Alancha, Nekito, Makhya, Ashley Williams; Sisters-in-law: Renee Mckay, Jenny Ellis McKay, Vernita Glinton-McKay, Sherry Rae McKay, Crystal Mackey McKay, Trevor McKay, Britt Colebrook-McKay;Uncles: George Williams, Newman Mackey; Aunties: Orlean Williams, Barbara Key, Cora Willams,Virginia Mackey; Cousins: Nathalie and Linda Willams; Charlene Deveaux,Lisa Richardson, Vannie, Nicki, Desiree and Keith Willams; Jackie Mackey, Lloyd‘Jackie’ (Mary) Johnson, Bernard and Dr. Geannine Moss, Claude and HerbertRhodenwalt; Other relatives andfriends including: Philip “Skeebo” Skeets, Kayshann Ranger, Kaylah Miller,Christine Murray, Betsy and Trudy, Nekeiva Romer, Tawn Johnson Young, SandyBethel, Rolanda Oliver, Maudline Forbes, Minerva Johnson and Family, Mr. andMrs. Clarence Musgrove, Kirky Thompson and Family Hon. Bacchus Rolle (MP. SouthBeach), Kimlyn Hanna, Donna Hanna-Johnson, Indi Johnson, Margaret Hepburn-McKayand the Hepburn Family, Andreica Taylor, Lumeicka Coakley, Rosemary Campbelland Family, Pastor Ivan Roberts (Betty), Pastor Agnes Jones (Mike), Edroy andAnthony Mackey, Tirza Bowe, Gladstone Major, Richard, Brendalee, Wanda, Wilma,Joan, Delcean, Mispah, Daphne, Donica, and Jade, Ginger, Donna, Michelle andPerry; Vincent Charlton and Family; Rudy Gilbert, Pat and Brad Ingraham andKay, Indi, Barry, Carmen, Garth and Daisy, Sandra, Bobby-Ann, Jackie, Kenneth,Clifford, Patrick, Sylvia Thompson Floyd and Jeffery, Dr. Kevin Simmons, Dr.Sythela Cambridge-Degregory, The Family of the Late Winifred Sherman; Dr. SmithPHM Oncology; Faculty and Staff of Carlton E. Francis Primary School., Mrs.Darling, Mr. Carlton Smith (Chairman, School Board of Carlton E. Francis), Ms.Cooper and Ms. Bodie, Mrs. Modleen Forbes of South Beach, The Family of the Late George Murray, The Seymour Familyof Cat Island, The Wilkinson Family, St. Agnes Church Family, The Entire SouthBeach Community, The Mason’s Addition Family, Pedro and Staff of East SunriseMortuary, The William and Savelita Williams Descendants.