In Loving Memory of

Amanda Lavern Smith

11th December 1967
20th June 2024

Amanda Lavern Smith, affectionately called "Manda," was born onMonday, December 11th, 1967, in Nassau, Bahamas, to the late Cecil andPredensia Smith. She was the sixth of eight children and was predeceased by hersiblings: Arthurine, Brian, and Jerome.

Amanda received her early education at Uriah McPhee Primary School, attendedjunior high at the then C.I. Gibson Junior High School, and graduated from R.M.Bailey Secondary School in 1985. Valuing education as a cornerstone of theSmith family, Amanda pursued an Office Procedure course at BTVI.

Eager to join the workforce and live independently, Amanda began heremployment in 1993 at the Ministry of Works as a watchman. Her determination toadvance her career led her to apply for a position at Bahamas Customs, whereshe was appointed as P&P and reclassified as a Filing Assistant in 1995. In1998, she was reclassified as a clerk and promoted to Assistant Cashier a yearlater. By 2016, Amanda was promoted to Cashier. Her dedication to her job wasevident as she would leave home for work no later than 6:30 am every morning.Amanda served her country for twenty-seven years until her passing.

"Manda," as she was affectionately known by those who loved her, wasa kind-hearted, soft-spoken, humble individual with a few words but a big heartfor family. She loved traveling with family and friends, showcasing heradventures with magnet souvenirs from every country, city, and state shevisited. Her travels included extended stays in London, Paris, Amsterdam, LasVegas, Los Angeles, and other West Coast US destinations.

Manda, sharing a trait with her mother, was known as an excellent cook andenjoyed hosting parties. Her gatherings were highly anticipated and enjoyed byall. She was the designated family cook at every function, always opening her hometo host events that encouraged togetherness.

Manda had a wide-ranging taste in music, enjoying reggae, soca, and Bahamianmusic. She was a vibrant presence on the dance floor, often dancing joyfully,even if she was the only one. Her infectious laugh and humorous moments werecherished by her family and friends.

Her generosity knew no bounds as she looked after her nieces and nephewswith great care. Amanda, whose name means 'worthy of love,' embodied empathyand understanding, making her a natural caregiver and nurturer, especiallytowards her nieces and nephews, whom she treated as her own children.

These qualities made Manda a beloved and fun-loving individual, foreverremembered for her warmth, generosity, and zest for life.

This nurturing spirit was rooted in her deep Christian faith. She feared Godand followed Him, living out His principles daily. Now that her journey onearth has ended, we find comfort knowing she is with her Heavenly Father,smiling down on us from above.


Amanda was admitted for community acquired pneumoniain January of this year, but after treatment, it was later resolved. She neversuffered from any chronic illness and every test she was instructed to undergocame back medically clear. Although tried and tested she remained committed tobeing to work on time with few absences. Manda’s unwavering routine for workultimately prompted her supervisor to contact close friends after 9am due tounusual tardiness, leading to the discovery of her body at home in an unresponsivestate. Although quiet, she was strategic in unlocking her doors moments beforeher untimely passing to ensure someone would be able to access her as needed.Just as she entered the world quietly, she slipped away during the earlymorning hours of June 20th, 2024. Amanda held Jesus’ hands and transitionedfrom this earthly realm to her heavenly mansion very peacefully.

Precious and fond memories will foreverlinger in the hearts of all who knew her especially her:

Brothers:Don, Glen and Conrad Smith

Sister: Patti Smith

You both were more than a bestfriend, you weremy brother and sister: Gregory Dean and Denise Deveaux

Sisters – In – Law:Alice and Allenell Smith

Nieces: Hendrea Pinder,Carmetta Butler, R.N. Briesha and Briniqua Smith, Hydeia Knowles, GlendeirSmith

Nephews: Virgil Pinder, PC238 Marcus Wilson, Printino Hopkins, Byron and Barrington Jr. Carter, Akeem(Katshana) Colebrook, Wenzel Smith, Renaldo Culmer, Rosheed Pratt, Mario Dean,Condae, Glen Jr., Charles and Cohen Smith

Grand Nephews:Makai Pinder, Marcus Jr. Wilson, Printino Jr. Hopkins, Keithrovanno Butler,Davanno and Davantai Strachan, Kymani and Michael Colebrook

Grand Nieces:Marckell, Marctez, Martinique and Sandradee Wilson, Diamond Strachan, DashnaiNewbold, Meadow Pinder

Aunts: Veronica Mackey,Corollett, Annetta, Bloneva & Annamae Rolle, Cathrine Sweeting, Christine(Stafford) Hanna and Sarah Smith

Uncles: Rev. Howard(Patricia) and Ernest (Angeline) Smith, Alfred and Godfrey (Mavis) Rolle, andRev. James (Willamae) Curry

Grand Uncles:Herbert (Yvonne), William, Raymond and James Stuart

Grand Aunt:Litha Stuart

Godchildren: AntonioRivers, Jada Johnson, Cynteea Edgecombe and Leron Mortimer (Nugget) and LavontHepburn

Godmother:Maxine Rolle

Cousins: Terah, Tamara,Romell and Godfrey Jr. and R/Sgt. 1727 Linda Rolle (WPC 4499 Patrel Hutchinson),Allison, Sterling & Simeon Mackey, Timolin Thompson, Claudine, Ann-Marie,Willis & Sterlin Newbold, Thyra & Marvell(Sasha) Johnson, Iris Moxey, Dr.Mark Johnson, Randy & Kevia Todd, Javon, Justin and Shannon Hanna,Cleopatra Davis, Rayann, Daphne and Stephanie Rolle, Monique Albury, JanetMorley, Albertha, Allen, Aldrin & Shannon, Tina, Shakita & Sandia, Ian,Anita & Tafarrah Smith, Rodrick Rolle, Theresa Bannister, ShantellWildgoose, Cindy Davis, Desiree and Dr. David Stuart, Barbara Rolle, ErnestaRodriques and Ashlyn Smith

The Yahoo Connection:Delareese Symonette, Rochelle Minnis, Tynazz Forbes, Idamae Curtis, AnthonThompson, Aaron Thompson, Anthony Williams, Osbourne Lockhart, Isaiah Thomas,Bradley Collins, Dwayne Miller, Alvin Thurston, Ricardo Seymour, Elisha Gibson,Raynado Tillach

A Host of Other Relatives and FriendsIncluding: The Rt. Hon Philip Brave Davis K.C. & Family, Hon.JoBeth Coleby-Davis MP for Elizabeth, Hon. Keith Bell MP for Carmichael, Rev.Dr. Anthony A. Sampson & Zion South Beach Baptist Church Family, DianneDavis & Family, Alcina Darville and Family, Jesse Kemp, Laverne Cooper& Family, Renetta Rolle & Family, Robert Farrington, Rev.Dr. SheniqueDavis, Pastor Ismae Davis & Family, Sanfra & Clement Foster, and Family,Kishnell Collie, The Williams Family, The Davis Family, The Brown Family, TheHepburn Family, Eneas and Mary Pratt, Leonard Sr. & Elva Mcphee & Family,Edna, Estell, Earthlean and Earthlyn Pratt, Evelyn Cartwright, Sharon Adderleyand Family, The Pratt Family, Marilyn, Whitney, Christine, Larry & GloriaBastian, Shirley Hanna and Family, Rosalee Curtis and Family, Ismalene Bowe& Family, Clara Williams and Family, Callan Miller, Shirley, Emily,Marjorie and Paul Bastian and Family, The Pennerman Family, The Bannister Family,The Meadows Family, Hanna Brice & Family, Henry Bain and Family, SolomieMcDonald, Eloise, Deborah, Lynette, Maxine, Dwayne & Brequelle Bain, Rudy,Deon & Nadia Dean, Terecita Curtis, Stephen & Denise Fountain and Family,Colleen Bain, The Marathon Estates Family, The Mangrove Cay Association &Community, Mr. Ralph Munroe & The Bahamas Customs Department, BahamasCustoms Cashiers Family, Greta Deleveaux, R.M. Bailey Class of 1985, C.I.GibsonClass of 1990. Delcita Austin, Judith Cooper, Selpha, Barrington Carter Sr., Liette  Pratt, Judith Rolle, Brenda Butler, AntheaMunnings, Samantha Cartwright, Samitha Carter, Quitel Deveaux, Shakegra Rolle,Melrecka Hanna, Barbara Pedican, Felicia Russell, Godfrey Russell, RandolphBurrows, Geanine Moss, Sandra Archer, Joanne Webb, Sonia Rahming, ValerieButler, Coral Young, Pamela Johnson & Family, Sophie Cartwright, LarrySawyer, Wendy Smith, Allan Cunningham, Philip Rolle, Ivy Goodridge, TheresaGibson, Sgt 1318 Paulette Woodside, Frances Woodside, Dexter Burns, Dale Grey,Daria Major, Shashawn Deveaux, Patrick Deveaux, Kevano Hepburn, Terrance Neely,James Rolle, and Lorenzo Knowles Sr.

We the Family ask your compassion,understanding, and forgiveness if we have omitted anyone’s name as this was notour intention.


Service Date
Saturday 13th July 2024
Zion South Beach Baptist Church, Zion Blvd.
Service Location
Popular Choice
10:00 a.m.
Service Start
Interment Service
Woodlawn Gardens, Soldier Road
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